Sunday, March 10, 2013

Mr. March is wonderful month.

Wow it is Mr.March!

Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.

And I have three wedding invitations, one on 17th, my officemate - Kak Ayuni...
and another two on 24th, my classmate - Kak Ella school bestie, Manja!

So far, within these 10 days, Mr March has been so nice to me. 
Lot of meaningful things happened.

Chances, rezeki and loves from Allah and people surrounding were a blast for me.

I went to Kuala Lumpur, alone, (after more less 5 months) to complete two missions
which were very unexpected and I should say Allah plans it for me, Alhamdulillah.
And I managed to see my friends in UKM which in great of help, eyusaaaa and friends :)

And, and I met my dearest sister, Kak Yanaaaaaa! <3

Oh cop, there were four missions altogether then. I see....:o

Even so, it was not an easy journey for me. 
Some struggles, perseverance and my spirit make it happened to go through it.
And of course, du'a and support from beloved friends too.
which includes Kak Nuzurrrr ;)

And I fall sick after few months given by Allah nikmat sihat. 
At last, after 3 days of feeling that weak, I surrendered myself to a nice friendly doctor and ya, ya, lots of pills were given to consume. After a week, Alhamdulillah, even not fully recover, I am feeling good today.

Why do I hate to see a doctor or to admit that I am sick?
Because I know I am strong enough to fight these bacteria and just be as strong as I can.
Sometimes, no matter how hard you tried, its just not your lawan.

But still, last week, I had a fast and simple date with my bestfriend, Lala!
We watched movie in our favourite place, and tell you what, we watched our favourite genre of movie - Jack the GIANT slayer! This movie was, oh, are awesome! as, errrr..emmm...I would like to watch it again!!!

As mediacommer, I am thinking of writing an analysis or a quick review on this movie.
Later on perhaps. Btw, I am fallen in love with Elmont, sorry Jack! :P

And this coming weeks of the month, 
there will be a few twists in my life,
few steps ahead which I need pair of new shoes to step on this journey confidently and safely. 

What that will be?
Ask Mr March then! 
See ya! ;)

p/s - keep praying for the days and for Lahad Datu. amin.
And thank you to you too for your endless support Dato'! <3


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